Kids on Sunday Morning

  • St. Paul's offers Sunday School class for Pre-K thru Grade 6, starting in worship and finishing in the classrooms by 10:30AM. 
  • All children begin in the sanctuary sitting with their families for worship.
  • Kids up to Grade 6 are invited to the front for "Time with Children" with Pastor Liz. After the lesson the kids go to class. Kids are also welcome to stay in worship and try Sunday School when they're ready.
  • The classrooms and nursery are located in the hallway just outside of the sanctuary. Parents pick-up their kids from the classroom and nursery. The nursery is equipped with speakers to listen to the service.

Our mission is to give children and families a chance to experience the wisdom and the wonder of the stories of our Christian faith and to be in service together to our neighbors. We aim to provide lessons and experiences that teach and model the Gospel call to love: to love God with all of your heart, soul, strength and mind; to love your neighbor as yourself, which also means loving yourself; and to figure out what it means to follow Jesus. 

Monthly family events are scheduled throughout the year as well as seasonal events including the Advent Workshop, Living Nativity, Christmas and Easter programs, Scout Sunday, Holy Week Walk & Easter Egg Hunt, Blessing of the Backpacks, Blessing of the Animals, Grandparents Tea, and the Burlington-Hampshire CROP Walk.

All Christian Education volunteers including nursery staff receive background checks per the guidelines of the United Church of Christ Safe Church Policy.